An International Presence: A Quarantine Blessing

When the pandemic first started in March 2020, Korean Anglican (Lutherville, MD) uploaded a PowerPoint version of the service on YouTube so people could follow along with the virtual service on YouTube. Before this point, our congregation only met in person at Resurrection Anglican in Luthersville with very little online presence. Almost immediately, several fellow Anglicans in other states and in Korea began watching the sermons.

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Church Planting, Evangelism, COVID-19, Technology Anglican Doma Church Planting, Evangelism, COVID-19, Technology Anglican Doma

Hosting the Alpha Course during COVID

In this so-aptly-named “Covidtide” season, meeting new people is difficult. It seems to predominantly occur through neighborhood friendships or online discovery, which is difficult to target geographically. All the third spaces (e.g. pubs, coffee shops, etc.) just aren’t there in the way they were a year ago,…

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Youth, Next Generation, COVID-19, Discipleship Anglican Doma Youth, Next Generation, COVID-19, Discipleship Anglican Doma

Seeing and Being Seen: The Necessity of Relational Discipleship

[Scripture] teaches us the truth: we want those we disciple to know: God sees. His seeing is essential to his relationship with his creation. In the first few pages of Genesis, God sees the work of his hands—the heavens, the creeping things, the birds of the air, man and woman—and glories in it; he sees Adam and Eve in the shame of their sin and is moved to clothe them; he sees the blood of Abel which cries out to him from the ground and he confronts Cain; he sees the wickedness of Noah’s day and is grieved to destruction. And this is just the very beginning.

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