Synod – Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic
The Synod is the legislative body of the diocese, but Synod is more than just “business.” It’s a joy-filled opportunity to gather as a diocese for worship and fellowship and spiritual growth. There is always great music, Bible teaching and breakout sessions on topics central to our churches’ ministries and mission. In addition, many mission agencies are on hand in the exhibit area, offering us a wide range of resources.
Anglican Church in North America
The Anglican Church in North America unites 134,000 Anglicans in 1,062 congregations across the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a single Church. On April 16, 2009 it was recognized as a province of the global Anglican Communion, by the Primates of the Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans. The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach is the Archbishop of the Church the Anglican Church in North America.
Constitution & Canons – Anglican Church in North America
The Anglican Church in North America is a conciliar church where clergy and laity serve together in leadership. The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach serves as the Anglican Church in North America's Archbishop. Bishops meet together as the College of Bishops. Laity and clergy take leadership responsibility on the Provincial Council and during the Provincial Assembly.
Constitution & Canons – Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic
The Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic (the Diocese) is composed of Anglicans united by a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a commitment to the trustworthiness of the Holy Scriptures. As Anglicans, we believe and confess Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Him. — John 14:6.
ACNA Provincial Council & Assembly
Assembly is primarily a ministry conference that also includes a short business meeting for elected delegates. The Diocese sends a group of delegates to attend each event. The link below connects to the most recent ACNA reports and documents from Provincial Council.
Fundamental Declarations of the Province
As the Anglican Church in North America (the Province), being a part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of Christ, we believe and confess Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father but by Him. Therefore, we identify the following seven elements as characteristic of the Anglican Way, and essential for membership…read more via button below. (PDF Document)
“In all these things, the Anglican Church in North America is determined by the help of God to hold and maintain, as the Anglican Way has received them, the doctrine, discipline and worship of Christ and to transmit the same, unimpaired, to our posterity. ”