New edition of Macalla - The literary and arts journal of St Brendan’s in the City

by Lisa Treacy & Geraldine Weld

Macalla is an online literary and creative arts journal featuring work across a wide range of genres by the community of St. Brendan’s in the City in Washington, DC. First published in 2013, Macalla has sought to be a place where the common threads of the work of the Holy Spirit could be brought to life through the arts.

As every human being is made in the image of a highly creative God, everyone in our community is welcomed and encouraged to submit a piece, regardless of previous experience with the creative and literary arts. All submissions are original works. This is a safe space to hear and be heard, to question and to learn. 

Publication of Macalla paused in the Spring of 2016. There was much debate around whether it had served its purpose; but we were never peaceful about deleting the site and giving up the journal. Fall 2020 brought a new invitation - the need now existed for people to process their pandemic experiences and reflections.

Each edition of Macalla carries a theme which contributors interpret through their personal journeys of faith.  In this latest publication you will be invited to see similar experiences of The Fire come into flame in other people’s lives. Songwriter Laureen Naik reminds us of the repeated presence of The Fire in the scriptures; an Anonymous contributor speaks to our spiritual flame within; whilst a second waits for a Dear One by the fireplace. Melissa Medley shares her personal journey through the Refiner’s Fire of serious illness; and artist Lisa Shirk’s stunning original work captures the burn of spiritual longing and devotion.  

We hope you are encouraged, comforted, challenged and inspired; and that in the voice of our community you hear the echo of yourself. 

Lisa Treacy & Geraldine Weld are parishioners at St. Brendan’s and co-editors of Macalla.


Ordination in the Diocese


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