Lent, Prayer, Discipleship Anglican Doma Lent, Prayer, Discipleship Anglican Doma

Lament During Lent

This week, we enter the season of Lent, a time in the church calendar in which we intentionally lament all that is wrong in the world, all the hard soil that has yet to bear fruit. I am grateful for this tithe of our year in which our worship gives voice to all our grief and frustration.

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Bishop's Letter, Prayer, Government Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Prayer, Government Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (February 2025)

Many of you who live in and around the Washington DC area are in the midst of a real storm right now. I have spoken with several area clergy and also several lay people employed in the government sector. It’s a time of challenge, fear, and incredible disequilibrium. I remind you that God’s call to His people in such times is to hold up and not fold up. We are not called to be passive nor are we to be cowed by fear. Instead, we are called to a living hope.

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