Prayer During Lent 🌱
As we enter into Lent 2025, I want to encourage us to keep our rhythms of daily prayer using the Book of Common Prayer. And, I want to encourage us this Lent to return often to the beautiful and challenging Confession and Litany of Penitence that we pray during Ash Wednesday.
Grieving During Lent
We know that many of us are entering this season grieving for our loved ones who have died or are suffering, for our city, nation, and world, and for our own personal suffering. If this is you, we invite you to grieve as your Lenten practice.
Healing Service
This Healing Service is for anyone who is interested in healing, freedom, and restoration of the soul.
ARDF Lenten Prayer Guide
Each morning throughout Lent we will start our day with a new focus in prayer. In addition to drawing from the 2019 BCP, these prayers are offered by many voices, including US Trustees, ARDF Staff, and various supporters and friends of ARDF.
Invitation for this Lenten Season🌱
That’s the invitation for this Lenten season: to turn from sin, and prepare with joy for the resurrection season. It’s an invitation to forty days of intentional reorientation together in response to the grace of God found in Christ Jesus our Lord and empowered by his Holy Spirit.
Fasting During Lent
Our fasting should be in service to God. A fast that is self-serving and self-gratifying is not a fast at all. God desires a fast that is beneficial to his kingdom work in the world.
Lament During Lent
This week, we enter the season of Lent, a time in the church calendar in which we intentionally lament all that is wrong in the world, all the hard soil that has yet to bear fruit. I am grateful for this tithe of our year in which our worship gives voice to all our grief and frustration.
Preparing for Lent
We are in still in Epiphany, but Lent is coming soon (March 5th), and it is such an important season that it warrants some forethought and preparation. For those of you unfamiliar with Lent or in need of a refresher, keep reading!
Valentine Prayer & Worship
With heartfelt worship and an inspiring testimony from Kerry Bremmer, the morning became a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering faithfulness.
Deepen Your Prayer Life: Training in Intercessory Prayer
Would you like to grow in your ability to pray more effectively for your family, friends, and the world around you?
A Letter from Bishop Chris (February 2025)
Many of you who live in and around the Washington DC area are in the midst of a real storm right now. I have spoken with several area clergy and also several lay people employed in the government sector. It’s a time of challenge, fear, and incredible disequilibrium. I remind you that God’s call to His people in such times is to hold up and not fold up. We are not called to be passive nor are we to be cowed by fear. Instead, we are called to a living hope.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (October 2024A)
When God’s word speaks of the heart, it almost never speaks of the physical muscle in your chest. Rather, the heart is the entirety of who you are in your inner person.
Healing Service
Holy Spirit in Leesburg, VA invites you to a Healing Service with the Rev. Jay Baylor on October 5 at 5 p.m.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (June 2024B)
Please pray for the College of Bishops as we seek to discern whom, from the 30 Diocesan Bishops, the Lord has prepared and anointed to be Archbishop for this next season of the Church’s life.
A reminder to Pray for the College of Bishops
In this season of the Holy Spirit, I am writing to remind you to pray for the College of Bishops as we prepare to select the new Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in North America.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (May 2024A)
Thomas declares, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” (John 20:25)
Pastoral Letter to the Churches
Pastoral letter from Bishop Chris Warner to the clergy and people of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic.
A Letter from Bishop Chris (April 2024B)
Jesus teaches us that prayer, along with a life shaped by the Scriptures and worship, is at the heart of our walk with God.
Service of Lament
This liturgy is for anyone who laments the harm they have caused and the limited welcome the Church has for people with disabilities and their families.