Bishop's Letter, Lent, Easter Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Lent, Easter Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (March 2024A)

Easter is coming!

Yes I know, we’ve just begun the Season of Lent. But Easter is only a month away. Easter is the most important event of our church year. It’s the day we celebrate the best news in the world — that forgiveness is real, death is defeated, the restoration of all things has begun, and eternal life is available through faith in Jesus Christ!

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Art, Lent Anglican Doma Art, Lent Anglican Doma

Art for Lent

Lent brings us on the well-worn path of our church calendar journey to the edge of the wilderness, the dry desolate place where we are invited to set down our excesses and instead take the hand of our humble, wounded and faithful Friend. Like the traveler walking out of a forest, we emerge from the abundant seasons of Christmas and Epiphany, of feasting and light and holy alleluias, where we have been nourished and blessed. 

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Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (March 2023B)

I’m currently reading Beth Moore’s newly released memoir. I picked it up after reading an article in Christianity Today entitled, “When I was a Stranger in the SBC, Anglicans took me in.” Moore’s book is full of humor and brokenness and heartache and wisdom. The quote above is just one of many wonderful turns of phrase she employs throughout this engaging read.  

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Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (March 2023A)

In Sabbath, we remember and celebrate the Lord and what God alone can do. We remember God’s deliverance of His people from slavery and bondage. Only He can set us free from sin, addiction, and brokenness. We celebrate Jesus’s triumph over death through his cross and resurrection. Ultimately only God can give us fullness of life.

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ACNA, Anglicanism, Lent Anglican Doma ACNA, Anglicanism, Lent Anglican Doma

Resources for Lent

Throughout the Anglican communion there are resources to help during this period. Below we are providing resources to aide you and your parish going into this season. We hope this is helpful as you prepare for the upcoming Lent.

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Bishop's Letter, Healing, Worship, Prayer, Lent Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Healing, Worship, Prayer, Lent Anglican Doma

A Message from the Bishop - April 2022A

In Holy Week, we encounter Jesus’ suffering and death, and we experience anew his great love. We do not go through Holy Week because we are unsure of Jesus’ forgiveness, but because we must never take it for granted. We must never skip glibly from the “Hosannas” of Palm Sunday to Easter’s “Christ is risen.” We must walk the Way of the Cross.

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Bishop's Letter, Healing, Worship, Prayer, Lent Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Healing, Worship, Prayer, Lent Anglican Doma

A Message from the Bishop - March 2022A

"As followers of Jesus, we are ministers of love and compassion and healing for those who are in great pain, physically, emotionally, spiritually. But suicide is not the answer.

"I say to all of us, young people, seniors, those facing great hardship or great pain: Do not succumb to the hopelessness of the culture of death. You are precious to the Lord and to the Body of Christ."

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