Epiphany Altar Art Installation at All Souls 🌱
The concept of this installation came from considering the concealed Christ in Advent, the revealed Christ in Christmas, and the recognized Christ in Epiphany.
Organ Dedication & Concert
Christ the King (Alexandria, VA) invites you to an organ dedication service and concert.
Art During Holy Week
A special dimension of Holy Week at Church of the Good Shepherd, Charlottesville, VA included an art exhibit by parishioner Brittany Fan. Over the course of Holy Week services, Good Shepherd added/introduced one piece at a time along the walls of the sanctuary.
Art for Lent
All Souls Church Plant in Richmond, VA has new art installed for the season of Lent.
Devotional Book for Lent
Church of the Good Shepherd invites you to enjoy a Lent Devotional resource filled with entirely original material written by members of the church.
Truro Hosts Andrew Peterson Tour
Truro is hosting Andrew Peterson’s Resurrection Letters Tour next month, on Sunday, March 17
The Church’s One Foundation
Continuing in The Falls Church Anglican’s (Falls Church, VA) rich history of creating and recording music, with a desire to bless the church, the Worship & Music Ministry at the Falls Church Anglican just released a new worship album - “The Church’s One Foundation”.
A Logo Story: Incarnation Anglican Church, Arlington, VA
Altogether, this logo is meant to be a picture of the Incarnation: God made tangible in a particular time and place, among a particular people with particular stories. It's a creative imagining of the Message paraphrase of John 1:14: "The Word became flesh and moved into the neighborhood."
All Souls: Artwork for Advent
All Souls in Richmond, VA, has once again adorned the space behind the altar with new art to engage worshippers to the spiritual practice of waiting during of Advent.
Sat., Dec. 2, 4 p.m.
Doors open at 3:30 p.m.
The Falls Church Anglican
Falls Church VA
A Logo Story: Church of the Good Shepherd, Lynchburg, VA
Church of the Good Shepherd, Lynchburg, VA is a place where many weary, hurting people have come to find rest and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. We often hear that the grieving, the wounded, and the weary receive comfort and healing by coming to Sunday worship and partaking in the liturgy.
A Logo Story: All Saints' Church
Many of the churches in the Diocese have very intentional logos used as a part of their church’s story and mission. All Saints’ Church in Woodbridge, VA shares about their logo below.
The Jerusalem Cross: All Saints’ Church
A Logo Story: All Souls Anglican Church, Richmond, VA
All Souls wanted their logo to be beautiful, ancient, and explicitly Christian. They wanted it to convey, first, that they are a church (important!), a connection to the past, that they value beauty as an essential characteristic of God. Further, it was important that the logo express that their community, while sincere, does not take itself overly-seriously, and is a place to come unvarnished and unafraid.
A Logo Story: Church of the Good Shepherd (Charlottesville, VA)
Church of the Good Shepherd is an Anglican church plant in Charlottesville, Virginia. We are a community seeking to grow into Christ’s likeness for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives, and for the good of our neighbors.
A Logo Story: Church of the Redeemer (Camden, NC)
Our logo was created amid the pandemic, which speaks to the hope we share in Christ during difficult times, and our resolve to fulfill the call God has placed on our church.
Chorister Camp
Children from Christ the King in Alexandria, VA enjoyed Chorister Camp this summer!
A Logo Story: Truro Anglican Church
The Truro Logo: Truro seeks to be Jesus-centered, evangelistic in bringing others to Christ, graciously engaging others in love and truth, and centered on being a hospitable community where the love of God is evident to all." -Truro Parish Profile
A Logo Story: Christ the Redeemer (PA)
Our church plant Christ the Redeemer (Dillsburg, PA) has drawn inspiration from the "Celtic" cross. (We love the book "Celtic Way of Evangelism.")
A New Cross for Incarnation Anglican
Incarnation Anglican, Williamsburg, VA is grateful to receive a new, handmade cross from parishioners of the church.