Epiphany Altar Art Installation at All Souls 🌱

Epiphany Altar Art Installation at All Souls 🌱

All Souls Anglican Church (Richmond, VA) recently updated the art above the altar for Epiphany.

From the artist, Halie Comeau:

The concept of this installation came from considering the concealed Christ in Advent, the revealed Christ in Christmas, and the recognized Christ in Epiphany.

The concept of the arch comes from our paradoxical reality that we are hidden in, or covered by, the shelter of God, while at the same time (after Pentecost) our human bodies serve as his dwelling place. We hide in God and God grows in us.

The circles represent the weekly themes of the Advent wreath: hope, peace, joy, & love: all of these things are wholly realized in Christ and born in us through him. All four circles are "crowned" in gold with the arrival of Christ in Christmastide.

The materials used in the making of the piece are paper waste, paper mache, chicken wire, wood, resin, acrylic paint, and glue.

Thank you to Olivia Englehardt, Anna Mueller, Celeste Meadows, Lauren Stonerock, Kacie Dreiling, Claire Carlton, Maria Deiner, Ella Niles and Cam Ritcher for their support and help completing this project.

“There will be a booth for shade by day from the heat and for a refuge and a shelter from the storm and rain.” -Isaiah 4:6

"Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus.” -Luke 1:30-31

“…your life is hidden with Christ in God.” -Colossians 3:3

Hallie Comeau is a member of All Souls Anglican Church in Richmond, VA.


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