Art for Lent

All Souls Church Plant in Richmond, VA has new art installed for the season of Lent.

From the artist, Halie Comeau:

This piece is made primarily of bark from various types of trees, vines, and brambles along with thorns, black lichen and fungi, all dead, and two boa constrictor skins. Everything was collected by parishioners. The canvases were covered in a mixture of ash and charcoal.

The piece is meant to convey "topography": the wilderness of human wandering, the wilderness Christ entered, and the words John the Baptist in Luke 3 (cf. Is. 40): 

"Every valley shall be filled in,
every mountain and hill made low.
The crooked roads shall become straight,
the rough ways smooth.
And all people will see God’s salvation"


Healing Mother Wounds


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