Corpus Christi Anglican Church

Corpus Christi Anglican Church, Springfield, VA

Church Planter: The Rev. Dr. Morgan Reed

Common People in Common Prayer for Uncommon Transformation

We believe God has called us to plant an approachable and invitational Anglican church to serve the regions in and around Franconia and Springfield; and specifically, to plant a church community that is growing in the love of Christ through rhythms of hospitality, prayer, relationships, and service. These rhythms create an interior life of walking with God that empowers us to live a life for God. Our aim is to become a vibrant Anglican church that is guided by the Book of Common Prayer and remains hospitality-driven in our approach to bringing others into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our vision is to become a common people in common prayer for uncommon transformation.

Read about Christ the Redeemer in the Diocese newsletter:


Chambersburg Anglican Fellowship


St. Andrew’s Anglican Church