Celebrating Candlemas🌱
Celebrating Candlemas🌱
This year Corpus Christi Anglican Church, Springfield, VA celebrated the presentation of our Lord in the temple. Candlemas has come at a time where many of our people feel a high anxiety, fear, or anger about the sweeping changes being made by the new political administration. Simeon's prophecy about Christ's light going to the Gentiles is tethered to a prophecy about the pain that the Blessed Virgin Mary will experience in her son's life and ministry. We often find ourselves somewhere between grief and gladness where all we can do is take the next right step in faith. As we carried our candles in candlelit procession, this day reminded us that we carry the light of Christ one step at a time in the ordinariness of our days somewhere between grief and gladness. The glory of Jesus going to the nations happens one day at a time, one faithful step at a time.
Collect: “God our Father, source of all light, today you revealed to the aged Simeon your light which enlightens the nations. Fill our hearts with the light of faith, that we who have born our candles may walk in the path of goodness, and come to the Light that shines for ever, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
Did you know the Diocese supports nine church plants, with many more planned? This 🌱 plant icon 🌱 indicates an article about one of our church plants. Read about how these plants are breaking new ground for the gospel, and help them grow through your prayers and gifts!