Reflecting on the Triduum Collects
However, from the point of his arrest and moving through his crucifixion, Jesus “becomes the one to whom things are being done.” The word often translated “betray” actually means “to hand over.”
Church of the Ascension Celebrates Five Years!
The congregation and leadership at Ascension want to extend a very hearty thanks to all those who have helped in prayer, support, and fellowship.
Clergy Renewal of Vows: Photos
Enjoy photos from the Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows, Holy Eucharist, and Blessing of Oils at Church of the Epiphany, Chantilly, VA on April 4, 2023.
Bishop Chris Visit: Truro Anglican Church
Truro was overjoyed to welcome the Rt. Rev. Chris Warner to Truro on Sunday, March 12. In addition to enjoying worship together, Bp. Chris conducted the sacrament of confirmation.
The Upper Room: Lenten Art Installation
During Lent, All Souls in Richmond, VA has installed a stunning piece of art behind the alter to encourage prayerful meditation.
Bishop Chris Makes First Church Visit
On Feb. 26, Corpus Christi Anglican welcomed Bp. Chris for his first church visit as Bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic.
Ascension Celebrates Five Years!
You are invited to celebrate five years of Church of the Ascension!
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Come and be trained to lead Catechesis of the Good Shepherd!
Celebrating Bp. John and Meg: Video & Photos
On Saturday, January 28, 2023 at Truro Anglican Church in Fairfax, VA, people from all over the Diocese and Province gathered to give God glory and to thank +John and Meg for their ministry.
World Mission Sunday
“[World Mission Sunday] offers us, as a Province, a chance to consider what each of us can do to advance the Kingdom of Christ around the world.” — Abp. Foley Beach, Anglican Church in North America
All Souls Church Launch
We thank God for the church launch of All Souls, Richmond on Sunday, November 27, 2022, first week of Advent.
Community Messiah Sing-along
The Falls Church Anglican cordially invite you to save to register for our FREE Sing-along of George Frederic Handel’s beloved masterpiece, Messiah.
Frederick Anglican Fellowship: Update
Exciting news! Frederick Anglican Fellowship has begun lay-led Morning Prayer services on the first Sunday of each month in Frederick, Maryland. Our first service was on Sunday, October 2, led by David Breisch. Even though it was pouring rain, we had a good turnout, including people we knew and guests they brought. It was a multi-generational group, and the fellowship was warm.
Corpus Christi Moves to New Worship Location
The Rev. Morgan Reed announced a few weeks ago that beginning on January 22, 2023, Corpus Christi will begin meeting for weekly worship at Prince of Peace Lutheran School. He shares a bit more detail about how they came to find their new space, what they are excited about in this new space, a timeline for the move, and how you have the opportunity to help them get there.
Accidental Outdoor Sunday Worship
Christ the Saviour Anglican, Mt. Vernon VA celebrated the All Saints service in the parking lot of the school, with our usual congregation, and hymns accompanied by our fiddler. Praise God it was a lovely day!
Enjoy photos from the Electing Synod events
Enjoy photos from the Prayer Gathering, Eucharist, and Bishop Election.
New Wineskins Conference and Recordings
People from all over the Diocese attended New Wineskins 2022 Conference. If you were unable to attend, a variety of plenary sessions were recorded and are available on their Faceobok page.
Flooding Out Into the Community
Shepherd’s Heart Anglican Church in Fairfax, VA has been flooding out into the community in creative ways over the last six weeks. Due to a water leak in our fellowship space in early August, and the subsequent damage, we have had to get creative in how we engage one another and the surrounding community after church on Sundays.