World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday is on February 5 or February 12, 2023. If you are looking for resources to help plan the day for your own church, New Wineskins has provided a variety of resources here, including:

  • Collection of verses

  • Prayers for mission

  • Order of service

  • Videos to share

In addition, New Wineskins has created graphics to use to provide advance notice of your events and for the day of Mission Sunday. See samples below and download files here.

Some of the ways churches around the Diocese are participating and celebrating World Mission Sunday include:

  • Christ Anglican Church in Orange, VA is having John Nuzum as their speaker on February 12. John (Pastoral Associate at Church of the Holy Spirit, Leesburg, VA) just returned from an exciting time in Pakistan over Christmas. They will be using the Kenyan liturgy and raising funds for Anglican Frontier Missions.

  • Church of the Holy Spirit in Leesburg, VA is hosting Archbishop Joseph D'Souza of Good Shepherd Church India on February 5. He'll be preaching and doing a Rector's forum.

  • Incarnation in Arlington, VA is celebration World Mission Sunday with a global potluck after the Sunday service. Parishioners are encouraged to bring a dish from around the world to share. The worship service will include singing songs in multiple languages and praying the litany for mission from Anglican Global Mission Partners.

  • Truro in Fairfax, VA, will mark World Mission Sunday on February 12. The liturgy that day will include the Kenya Prayers of the People, as well as some of the mission liturgy and the missions collect. An important part of the service will be the recognition and commissioning of the Truro missions core team. Younger members and global voices are increasingly becoming a part of that team. The rector, Jamie Brown, will also pray for the team. Truro will present a video report from the field by one of their missions partners.


Photos from Life Summit 2023


A Message from the Bishop - January 2023A