Bishop's Letter, Healing, Worship, Prayer, Lent Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Healing, Worship, Prayer, Lent Anglican Doma

A Message from the Bishop - March 2022A

"As followers of Jesus, we are ministers of love and compassion and healing for those who are in great pain, physically, emotionally, spiritually. But suicide is not the answer.

"I say to all of us, young people, seniors, those facing great hardship or great pain: Do not succumb to the hopelessness of the culture of death. You are precious to the Lord and to the Body of Christ."

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Worship, Anglicanism Anglican Doma Worship, Anglicanism Anglican Doma

Grace Anglican Church

Since purchasing a permanent home in White Post, VA and discerning that they have become a regional body of believers, it no longer seemed fitting to be called "Winchester" Anglican Church. So after much prayer, discussion, and input from the entire congregation they have settled on a new name!

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Anglicanism, COVID-19, Event, Synod, Worship Anglican Doma Anglicanism, COVID-19, Event, Synod, Worship Anglican Doma

Synod 2021: Friday Night Eucharist

The Saturday business session of the 2021 DOMA Synod will be in-person attendance for clergy and lay delegates only, with others viewing the Synod livestream online. Non-delegates are welcome to attend in person the Pre-Synod Workshop on Friday afternoon and the Eucharist service that evening. Registration is required for the Pre-Synod Workshop, but not for the Eucharist service.

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Anglicanism, Church Planting, Worship Anglican Doma Anglicanism, Church Planting, Worship Anglican Doma

Corpus Christi Worships in New Space

With a deep desire to support the work of God's kingdom, Rev. Woodson and Fr. Morgan are excited to announce that we have hammered out the final details for sharing space that we have been prayerfully working on for the last several months. This will allow Corpus Christi Anglican Church to worship in the chapel at the Springfield United Methodist Church.

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