Event, Life Anglican Doma Event, Life Anglican Doma

With All Your Mind

What does that mean when we face dementia, either in someone we love, or in our own lives?  Church of the Epiphany in Chantilly will be asking that question together on Saturday March 2 as we begin our congregational retreat:  “With All your Mind – Dementia and Christian Hope.”  

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ACNA, Event, Life Anglican Doma ACNA, Event, Life Anglican Doma

Life Summit 2024

This year’s Life SUMMIT is focused on providing resources and tactics for individuals to utilize, alongside their god-given gifts, to protect the Sanctity of life. We encourage every member of our diocese to attend this year’s event.

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Anglicanism, Event, Life Anglican Doma Anglicanism, Event, Life Anglican Doma

Register for LifeSummit 2024 Today!

Anglicans For Life (AFL) invites you to attend our annual Life SUMMIT conference which coincides with the National March for Life in Washington, D.C.. The events kick-off Thursday evening, January 18, 2024, and run through Saturday, January 20, 2024. Over the course of three days, students and adults will celebrate life, encounter the culture of death that is prevalent in our society, worship God, our Creator, and be equipped to mobilize their local church for Life-Affirming ministry!

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Life, Event Anglican Doma Life, Event Anglican Doma

Caring Not Killing

Anglicans For Life is hosting "Caring Not Killing," a free, two-part webinar on February 13 and March 13 at 7 to 8 pm EST via Zoom that focuses on the growing acceptance of hastening death through euthanasia and assisted suicide.

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Bishop's Letter, Life Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Life Anglican Doma

A Message from the Bishop - January 2023B

I don’t know about you, but when I’ve been insufferable and God is just about to move me to repentance, I don’t look like I’m about to repent. I look—and am—just as angry or obnoxious as ever. But then, God in his mercy breaks through and, in a moment, moves me to turn back toward him and toward the one I’ve hurt.

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Event, Life Anglican Doma Event, Life Anglican Doma

Save the Date: Summit for Life 2023

Anglicans For Life (AFL) invites you to attend our annual Life SUMMIT conference which coincides with the annual March for Life. The events kick-off Thursday evening, January 19, 2023, and run through Saturday, January 21, 2023.

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