An International Presence: A Quarantine Blessing

When the pandemic first started in March 2020, Korean Anglican (Lutherville, MD) uploaded a PowerPoint version of the service on YouTube so people could follow along with the virtual service on YouTube. Before this point, our congregation only met in person at Resurrection Anglican in Luthersville with very little online presence. Almost immediately, several fellow Anglicans in other states and in Korea began watching the sermons.

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Church Planting, Evangelism, COVID-19, Technology Anglican Doma Church Planting, Evangelism, COVID-19, Technology Anglican Doma

Hosting the Alpha Course during COVID

In this so-aptly-named “Covidtide” season, meeting new people is difficult. It seems to predominantly occur through neighborhood friendships or online discovery, which is difficult to target geographically. All the third spaces (e.g. pubs, coffee shops, etc.) just aren’t there in the way they were a year ago,…

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Planting a Church During a Pandemic

The picture with my light ring and computer sitting on a tub of liturgical supplies is such a good microcosm of what it feels like to plant a church during a pandemic: a tabernacling mindset with God's presence as the only constant. Our living room in this picture reminds me that it does not take many resources to make disciples.

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Equip!2020 - Being the Church in a Digital World

Please mark your calendar for November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.” The video will be posted a week in advance, so you’ll have time to view it. We look forward to trying this new format with you and hope that it will scratch the itch for us as we discern how best to "Be the Church in the Digital World."

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Church Planting, Community, Evangelism, Outreach Anglican Doma Church Planting, Community, Evangelism, Outreach Anglican Doma

Alpha Offered as Outreach to Community

There are around 150,000 people (!) who live in the Lake Gaston area — that's almost nine times the population of Emporia/Greensville County. The next closest Anglican (ACNA) congregation is in the Raleigh/Durham area. It behooves us to reach out to make new disciples around Lake Gaston and to minister to the many Anglicans who have retired to the lake from Raleigh/Durham, Hampton Roads, and Northern Virginia.

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Church Planting Anglican Doma Church Planting Anglican Doma

It was all SO GOOD.

Sitting this morning at my desk I was ‘remembering’ this past Sunday (September 13) in the park when Incarnation gathered and celebrated two years from ‘going public’ on Sept 9, 2018. Two years of unity.

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