Grieving During Lent
We know that many of us are entering this season grieving for our loved ones who have died or are suffering, for our city, nation, and world, and for our own personal suffering. If this is you, we invite you to grieve as your Lenten practice.
Funny Clergy Clothes
This is why I shall happily – though not without a certain unavoidable self-consciousness – wear funny clothes as I take vows and have a Bishop ask God’s blessing over me on Saturday. They show beyond doubt who I am serving.
Ordinations in the Diocese
We give thanks for the ordination of April Murrie into the priesthood, Wade Bradshaw and Angela Holstege into the transitional diaconate on Saturday, August 17, at Church of the Good Shepherd in Charlottesville, VA.
The Wounds of God for the People of God
As I’ve grown more conscious of this, I’ve become particularly aware that my hands are not just mine. “You” — which includes our hands — “are not your own,” as Paul tells us. They are, mysteriously, marked as conveyors of God’s touch, if you will. And as such, they are set apart not only to hold “weighty” things but also participate in the “hands on” ministry of Jesus.
Art During Holy Week
A special dimension of Holy Week at Church of the Good Shepherd, Charlottesville, VA included an art exhibit by parishioner Brittany Fan. Over the course of Holy Week services, Good Shepherd added/introduced one piece at a time along the walls of the sanctuary.
Belonging to and Loved by God
During their recent retreat, the women at Redeemer Anglican church explored how different habits of being present with God grow their sense of identity as women who belong to God and who are loved by God.
Ordination in the Diocese
We give thanks for the ordination of April Murrie to the diaconate on Sunday, February 18, at Church of the Good Shepherd, Charlottesville, VA.
Introducing Benediction Farm
Benediction Farm is a lot of things, but one of these is a resource to the ministries of our diocese. We hope to help you: let me tell you about this.
A Logo Story: Church of the Good Shepherd (Charlottesville, VA)
Church of the Good Shepherd is an Anglican church plant in Charlottesville, Virginia. We are a community seeking to grow into Christ’s likeness for the glory of God, for the abundance of our own lives, and for the good of our neighbors.
Ordination in the Diocese
We give thanks for the ordination of Robert Cunningham to the priesthood on March 5, 2022 at Churh of the Good Shepherd in Charlottesville, VA.
Good Shepherd Cohosts Bryan Stevenson
Church of the Good Shepherd, Charlottesville, VA is grateful to be a partnering church with Theological Horizons in bringing Bryan Stevenson to Charlottesville.
Church of the Good Shepherd Launch Date: October 30
The official public launch date for the Church of the Good Shepherd in Charlottesville, VA is Sunday, October 30.
An Update from Church of the Good Shepherd Church Plant
It's been awhile since you have heard from us because we are actively and prayerfully working towards our public launch in a few weeks!
You are invited to the Pre-Synod Workshop!
Ministry in a Secular Age: Practices for Faith Formation and Evangelism with Robert Cunningham and April Murrie
Church Planting in the Diocese
Church Planting is central to the mission strategy of the Diocese. Since its founding, the diocese has consistently devoted itself to planting a thriving network of Anglican churches throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.
Ordinations in the Diocese
We thank God for the ordination of Tuck Bartholomew to the priesthood and Robert Cunningham to the transitional diaconate on Sunday, August 14, Church of the Good Shepherd, Charlottesville, VA.
Charlottesville Church Plant
In a recent update, church planters (Robert Cunningham & April Murrie) share the church’s new website, logo, and plans for a September public launch.
Church of the Good Shepherd: A Church Plant in Charlottesville
Church of the Good Shepherd will embody and uniquely express the gifts of the Anglican tradition in Charlottesville, VA.