An Update from Frederick Anglican Fellowship

Feb. 15, 2024

On Sunday, February 4, we in the Frederick Anglican Fellowship (FAF) were blessed to have the Rev. Clancy Nixon and his wife, Ginger, come for a  service of Holy Eucharist. As it was Global Missions Sunday, the service included an encouraging testimony from Kayla Siewert, a missionary with InterVarsity on the campus of Hood College in Frederick. God is clearly at work with increasing numbers of students, including many from around the globe.

FAF marked Shrove Tuesday with a pancake supper at the home of Dave and Sally Breisch. The festivities included a New Orleans-style King Cake, made by one of our members. It was a fun time of great food and fellowship.

Another first for FAF was an Ash Wednesday evening service. Since we do not yet have a priest, Bishop Chris gave permission for Dave Breisch, who serves on our core team, to lead the service and administer the imposition of ashes. This deeply meaningful service was shared among young and old in our congregation.

Many thanks to all who have prayed for FAF, and especially for a priest/planter to lead our Anglican outreach in the Frederick area. We are encouraged that interest has been expressed in recent months. Please join us in continued prayers.


Art for Lent


Celtic Fire: Life in the Spirit