Church Resources, Event, Healing, Sexuality Anglican Doma Church Resources, Event, Healing, Sexuality Anglican Doma

Regenerations' Path Through the Wilderness

Our deepest desire as human beings is to know and be known by God and others. What do you do when unwanted sexual behavior and unhealthy relationships prevent you from making those God ordained connections? Regeneration’s Path through the Wilderness is a program to help individuals find healing and transformation so they can experience true intimacy with God and others.

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Anglicanism, Evangelism, Event, Prayer Anglican Doma Anglicanism, Evangelism, Event, Prayer Anglican Doma

Prayer at the Fair

While Whey Jennings sang, "Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?" we had families under the tents for prayer and free Bibles. A few people turned in prayer cards, and others took the time to share and receive prayer on the spot. Almost anyone who stops at the prayer tent at an event like this is working through serious challenges or trauma.

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A Call to Prayer from Archbishop Foley Beach Regarding the Situation in Afghanistan, Haiti, and the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

As the world seemingly darkens, remember that the Church is to be a light to the world, pointing to the One who is the Light of life. Let us remain united together in Christ, as citizens of heaven, opposing the powers of darkness,

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Anglicanism Anglican Doma Anglicanism Anglican Doma

St. Thomas Anglican Church: Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples

This past Sunday marked a momentous occasion in the life of our church. After nearly thirty-five years of ministry as Church of the Word Anglican Church, having been planted by Church of the Apostles in 1987 as an Anglican gospel witness to western Prince William County, we embarked on a new season of ministry as St. Thomas Anglican Church, Gainesville, VA.

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Summer Internship Reflection

My earliest memory is of Anglican liturgy. As a five-year-old, I was captivated by the way people closed their eyes with their hands lifted as they prayed “Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts,” how they raised their voices in agreement with lectionary readings, how their heads bowed in confession, and how they knelt humbly during the Lord’s Prayer.

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COVID-19, Discipleship, Healing, Prayer, Event Anglican Doma COVID-19, Discipleship, Healing, Prayer, Event Anglican Doma

Wholeness in Christ Healing Prayer Class

This is a unique opportunity to learn about praying for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing with hands on training in small groups. The classes will feature live teaching and videos, opportunity for discussion and sharing, and corporate prayer time. The class is open to all who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

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Evangelism, Prayer Anglican Doma Evangelism, Prayer Anglican Doma

Taking It to the Street

Or the shopping center. Or the bike trail. Holy Spirit in Lewes, DE is ministering in our community through several events each month. We just started our “water bottle ministry” at the bike trail just up the street from our building.

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Children, Event, Youth Anglican Doma Children, Event, Youth Anglican Doma

Wild, Treasured, Pickleball!

What do “treasure hunts” and “a wild jungle adventure” and “Pickleball” all have in common? These are just a few of the fun, summer events churches in the Diocese are hosting for their congregations and communities! And we have the fun photos to prove it.

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