St. Thomas Anglican Church: Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples


by Eric Hornbuckle

This past Sunday marked a momentous occasion in the life of our church. After nearly thirty-five years of ministry as Church of the Word Anglican Church, having been planted by Church of the Apostles in 1987 as an Anglican gospel witness to western Prince William County, we embarked on a new season of ministry as St. Thomas Anglican Church, Gainesville, VA.

Scripture contains numerous examples where God renewed and expanded his calling upon his people with a change in name. Abram became Abraham, Jacob became Israel, and so on. Our Vestry felt that, while COVID-19 had taken much from our church, it was time to lean into Christ’s promise to build his kingdom. For us, a new name signified our desire to become a more intentionally missional and vibrantly gospel-centered people.

In addition to our new name, we invested in physically revitalizing our sanctuary and other parts of our building to expand our mission and ministry capacities. Bishop John consecrated our new sanctuary for Christ and his kingdom. This was the first consecration most people in our church had ever participated in, and it was powerful. Our new vision is to join with God in the renewal of all things—beginning with us and moving into the mission field around us.

Where will he lead us? Only he knows!

But, we are confident in him and committed to follow him wherever that may be. “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

The Rev. Eric Hornbuckle is Rector at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Gainesville, VA.


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