Relief, International Anglican Doma Relief, International Anglican Doma

What is the ARDF?

The Anglican Relief and Development Fund has been around since 2004, but with this long name it can sometimes be confusing to know who they are and what they do. Thankfully, their mission can be explained by their acronym: ARDF.

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Event, International Anglican Doma Event, International Anglican Doma

Love in Action Challenge

The "Love in Action Challenge" is a virtual race that was organized last year in honor and in memory of the Rev. Jack Grubbs (former Canon for Ordinations for the Diocese), an avid runner, and Board Chairman of Shade, an organization that helps children with albinism who are mistreated or in danger.

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International Anglican Doma International Anglican Doma

Introducing Five Talents

Five Talents is a Christian microenterprise development organization that helps individuals, families, and communities to thrive, by equipping them with ways to save, invest, and develop small businesses.

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