Greetings from Kigali!

Jeff Walton & Bp. Chris from Kigali, Rwanda

Greetings from Kigali, Rwanda where we are attending Gafcon IV (Global Anglican Futures Conference). This once-every-five-years gathering has drawn 1300 participants from 53 countries. The conference seeks to bring renewal to the Anglican Communion through the biblical gospel and the mandate to go into all the world and present Christ to all nations.

After a long trip and many circuitous routes, all of our DOMA delegates and participants arrived safely. We are enjoying time together, excellent biblical teaching, and amazing worship with Anglicans from around the world. The diversity and beauty of the global body of Christ gathered to praise the name of Jesus is breathtaking and a foretaste of heaven.

This year’s theme is: To whom shall we go?  The conference opened with a clear call to repent to those members of the Anglican Communion worldwide who have moved away from following Scripture Including the Archbishop of Canterbury. In fact, everyone here was called to repent and to live as a repenting Christian continually being transformed by the Word of God and the indwelling presence of Christ.  

Archbishop Foley Beach’s opening remarks called us to live our identity as the Anglican Church being:

1. A  Repenting Church

2. A Reconciling Church

3. A Reproducing Church

4. A Relentlessly Compassionate Church

He was followed by Archbishop Ben Kwashi of Nigeria who proclaimed the primacy of Scripture, the power of the gospel, and the priority of mission.

Today (Tuesday), we heard from participants from England who shared their challenges and the actions they are taking following the recent decision by the Church of England bishops and General Synod to approve special prayers of blessing for persons living in same-sex relationships. As Archbishop Foley stated,  “These departures from the historical and clear teaching of Holy Scripture have created a cataclysmic attack on the unity of the Anglican Communion and has left many Anglicans around the world bewildered. This week we will wrestle with how to respond in a godly and loving way that honors God and gives hope and vision to faithful followers of Jesus in our time.”

Over the next few days we will be working on a response to address the recent actions in the Church of England. We are grateful for your continued prayers!



A wreath laying at the Rwanda Genocide Memorial by a representative group from Gafcon.

Photo courtesy: The Rev. Jim Beavers


The Access Leadership Network: You are invited!


Camp Booyah!