Priscilla Shirer Simulcast Event
The Women's Ministry of Church of the Apostles in Fairfax, VA is sponsoring a Priscilla Shirer Simulcast event on September 24, 2022.
Youth Creation Festival Trip
A group of 22 teens and adult volunteers set up camp in Shirleysburg, PA from June 30-July 3 for Creation Festival. Creation Festival is an annual event where groups and families can camp and listen to 5 days of Christian bands and speakers.
Consecration of Christ the King's New Building
On June 12, 2022, Bishop John led a service to consecrate the new building for Christ the King in Alexandria, VA.
Provincial Council 2022
The ACNA Provincial Council is an annual business meeting for elected delegates that also includes international speakers and guests, as well as public worship services. This year Provincial was held here in the Diocese at The Falls Church Anglican in Falls Church, VA.
Wild Wonder Summer
There are many ways we can wonder with our children at God’s good gifts that surround us no matter where we are and not just on Sunday mornings.
Baptisms around the Diocese
During the seasons of Easter and Pentecost, many churches celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Here are just a few photos from around the Diocese!
Training our Hunger
Hunger and thirst are a common metaphor in the Bible. For instance, turn to Psalm 42:12, “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Are you in touch with what your soul really wants? Do you have words for yearning in your soul?
Book of Common Prayer: Traditional Language Version
The Traditional Language Version of the Book of Common Prayer (2019) is offered to the service of Almighty God with the hope that the language which, for centuries, has shaped and formed Christians in the Anglican Tradition will continue to produce good and faithful servants of Christ.
Christ Church Accokeek Celebrates God's Faithfulness
On Saturday, April 30, Christ Church Accokeek gave thanks to God for his faithfulness to the people of Christ Church Accokeek.
Steeple Installed at Immanuel
Today, we are thankful that the steeple was installed safely and with competence and excellence. To God Be the Glory! He has marked Immanuel’s Mission Outpost as a building that was built to serve the Lord forever!
Online Church of Uganda
One of the things I especially appreciated is that online church was never designed to replace the local church; it is a supplemental ministry.
Holy Week and Easter around the Diocese!
During Holy Week and on Easter, churches around the Diocese hosted a variety of events and provided multiple opportunities to contemplate and celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Groundbreaking for Ascension Campus
On April 10, Palm Sunday, Bishop John participated in the ground breaking service for Church of the Ascension’s new campus.
Easter Greeting from Archbishop Foley
In his Easter message, Archbishop Foley Beach remembers and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!
A Message from the Bishop - April 2022A
In Holy Week, we encounter Jesus’ suffering and death, and we experience anew his great love. We do not go through Holy Week because we are unsure of Jesus’ forgiveness, but because we must never take it for granted. We must never skip glibly from the “Hosannas” of Palm Sunday to Easter’s “Christ is risen.” We must walk the Way of the Cross.
Church of the Good Shepherd: A Church Plant in Charlottesville
Church of the Good Shepherd will embody and uniquely express the gifts of the Anglican tradition in Charlottesville, VA.
Experience the Last Moments before Jesus’ Death
In addition to the Triduum services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve), churches around the Diocese offer a variety of opportunities to experience the last moments before Jesus’ death to help usher in a blessed Easter Sunday.
Developing a New Anglican Church in North America Hymnal
The Liturgy and Music Task Forces have formally requested, over the past year, submissions of Communion Settings for possible inclusion in the Service Music section of the developing new Anglican Church in North America Hymnal.
Ordination in the Diocese
We thank God for the ordination to the transitional diaconate of Michael Koppola at Church of the Ascension, Kearneysville, WV on March 6, 2022.