Prayer Anglican Doma Prayer Anglican Doma

Pray without ceasing…?

Prayer is one of the primary ways we abide in Christ, and so it’s no surprise that the apostle Paul would encourage us to “pray without ceasing.”

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Anglicanism, ACNA, Life, Discipleship, ordination, Prayer Anglican Doma Anglicanism, ACNA, Life, Discipleship, ordination, Prayer Anglican Doma

The Latest Edition of "The Apostle Online"

In this issue of the Apostle, we dig into the ministry of relationship, sharing the stories of a Rector who was adopted and reunited with his birth mother later in life, a campus minister leading a thriving ministry with college students, a unique cross-cultural experience in Uganda, and Knoxville’s “scruffy” kind of hospitality.

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A Message from the Bishop - September 2022A

As we draw near to the election of our next bishop, there is quite naturally both excitement and uncertainty in our life together as a diocese. We know that Jesus is on the throne, he is the head of the Church, and he has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church (Matthew 16:18).

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The Catechism in Family Prayer Available

Here is the full and complete Catechism in Family Prayer, just in time for Fall ministry, Confirmation preparation, and the young people you know. Every question of our Catechism, in the context of family prayer and scripture reading, for daily devotion and conversation.

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