A Message from the Bishop - "Equipped to speak his truth in kindness and love"

As we look toward Holy Week, we speak repeatedly in our worship of our call to walk in the way of the Cross. We even dare to pray, in the Collect for Palm Sunday, “Mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering.”

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Lent Anglican Doma Lent Anglican Doma

The Lenten Journey 2021

None of us expected to still be experiencing a quarantine during another Lent, yet so many churches have offered meaningful ways to gather and reflect together. Well done!

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Lent, Relief Anglican Doma Lent, Relief Anglican Doma

Seven Ideas To Personalize Your Lenten Journey

It is the tradition of the church to offer alms during Lent. The Anglian Relief & Development Fund (ARDF) wants to partner with you in this discipline by sharing the stories of those who need our prayers, our encouragement, and our help. The stories in the 2020 Lent Prayer Guide highlight the vital role the church has in providing the most basic of needs: reliable electricity and clean water, while simultaneously bringing the love and hope of Jesus!

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