Healing Anglican Doma Healing Anglican Doma

Abortion Recovery

Are you angry, depressed or struggling with relationships or even addiction due to your own abortion/s or those of someone close to you? Do you have a friend who has been impacted by abortion? 

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Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, Healing Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, Healing Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (August 2023B)

Will you join me in seeking God’s purpose for your life? Will you look for ways to serve Him in the lives of others? And will you learn to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those around you? Start by praying. Ask God to give you his conviction. Seek what the Scripture says. And then pay attention to the opportunities before you and join God as His hands and feet and mouth in this world.

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Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, Healing Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, Healing Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (August 2023A)

Jesus (and later Paul) exploded all the stereotypes we tend to have about God. God is not an angry tyrant. God is not a cosmic cop. God is not a merciless accountant. He is not a universal killjoy. He is not an impersonal force. God is a personal God. He wants to have a relationship with us, and he created you with the ability to have a relationship with him.

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Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, ACNA, Healing Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, ACNA, Healing Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (June 2023B)

It’s clear to me that the COB is not a perfect institution. How could it be? It’s populated by people including me. But in my observation, it is a prayerful, godly, wise, biblically-committed, and canonically-oriented group. It is both apostolic and catholic in its orientation and I look forward to working within the College in the years to come.

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Church Resources, Healing Anglican Doma Church Resources, Healing Anglican Doma

Learning Intimacy in a Lonely World

Apart from Christ, we all experience deep loneliness; and even as believers we can fail to experience the richness of relationship God intends for us. The great news is that God’s word speaks to the issue of loneliness! We can grow healthy relationships and find true intimacy in our friendships, families, and the church. 

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A Message from the Bishop - September 2022A

As we draw near to the election of our next bishop, there is quite naturally both excitement and uncertainty in our life together as a diocese. We know that Jesus is on the throne, he is the head of the Church, and he has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church (Matthew 16:18).

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