The threat of snow loomed over the fourth annual Valentine’s Day brunch planned by the ladies of Church of the Apostles (Fairfax, VA) for Saturday, February 8 – but we were grateful to the Lord that the snow turned out to be a non-event.
And the brunch itself was a delight! Close to fifty ladies gathered at Apostles in Fairfax that morning with brunch dishes of various sorts, from quiche and sausage and muffins to cheese and fruit and sweets. We all enjoyed the food and fellowship, then joining to worship the Lord, led by Zaki Rhett and Sharon Blount, and then receiving an extra-special treat: a testimony of God’s faithfulness from long-time Apostles parishioner Kerry Bremmer.
Experiencing an unexpected series of health crises over a year and a half, including cancer, Kerry (who with her husband, Bill, serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators) told us that “God doesn’t give us what we can handle; He equips us to handle it.” The church family gathered around the Bremmer family, Kerry said, and God has been and continues to be faithful.
Personal prayer ministry was available, as always.
As one parishioner commented later, “We spent the morning encouraging one another in Jesus.”