Uprooting Lies and Planting the Truth

By Sammie Gallo, Anglicans For Life Youth Ministry Outreach Coordinator and Registered Nurse

Why is pro-life relationship education an important effort of Anglicans for Life and the larger Church, especially when it comes to the next generation? 

One of the reasons I am so big on empowering young people is because of this: Satan continues his efforts to make sin less offensive, Heaven less appealing, hell less horrific, and the Gospel less urgent. A long time ago, I decided that I wouldn’t let him get away with that. That’s why I keep showing up in this space. 

“The thief does not come except to steal, to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) 

At Anglicans For Life, our desire is to see the next generation fully understand the sanctity of life and advocate for every life, standing against abortion and the damage that it does to women, men, and preborn children. But before we tackle those issues, we first have to make sure students’ identities are rooted in Christ. That’s why we created our youth initiative, Abundant Life: You Were Made for More, in 2019. 

Nationally, Planned Parenthood is the largest sex education provider in public school systems. Let that sink in for a moment. The nation’s largest abortion provider is going into schools and teaching students how to have “safe, healthy sex,” and what their options are if they encounter an unwanted pregnancy or STD. In essence, they meet the culture where it’s at and have no desire to change this culture. They support students in making decisions that, developmentally, they aren’t yet ready to make, creating potential damage that will last for the rest of their lives. 

Over the past few years, as I’ve become a parent and continued working with middle school and high school students, I’ve become even more convinced that teaching students about the importance of healthy relationships goes hand-in-hand with being pro-life. When a young person knows that their identity is in Christ, as well as their partner’s, they affirm that all life is sacred – not just their own. 

Read the entire article here.


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