Ordination Journeys: Katie Hamlin & Amy Rowe
Amy Rowe and Katie Hamlin, recently ordained as a priest and deacon respectively, share their journeys to ordination.
Ordinations in the Diocese
We thank God for Katie Hamlin's ordination to the priesthood and Amy Rowe's ordination to the diaconate, Saturday, June 26, at Incarnation Anglican Church, Arlington, VA.
A Message from the Bishop - "Thanking God for These Strong Partnerships"
I’ve returned home with renewed gratitude for all that we receive from one another in our Church. Would you join me in thanking God for these strong partnerships in the Gospel which he so graciously gives us?
Tabernacle-Style-Worship at Corpus Christi
It has been so encouraging to hear stories from people in the congregation about how God has worked in them through something they heard, or the experience of partaking of Christ in the Eucharist (even those who would not yet consider themselves Anglican!).
Music Resources for Anglican Churches
Do you have a question or a need in your church’s music ministry? The Musicians of the Anglican Church in North America (MACNA) has a whole host of contacts, experienced ACNA church musicians, who would be happy to listen or to share their experiences with you.
A Message from the Bishop - A Godly Vision
In our contentious and polarized culture, may the Lord give us much grace, that each of our churches will witness to the peace and love we know in Jesus Christ.
A Message from the Bishop - "A witness to the peace and love we know in Jesus Christ..."
In our contentious and polarized culture, may the Lord give us much grace, that each of our churches will witness to the peace and love we know in Jesus Christ.
Juneteenth Livestream Service
On Saturday, June 19, from 10-11 a.m., Coracle invites you for a special online Juneteenth Service, the fifth broadcast from the Corhaven Graveyard (an historic burial ground for enslaved African Americans in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley).
Easter Wonder
During Eastertide (through Sunday, May 16) Incarnation is inviting kids and families to Easter Wonder: gathering on the lawn in front of the chapel at 10:30 am to get ready for church with an art invitation and scripture meditation.
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
Incarnation Anglican, Alexandria, VA, invites all of us to participate in intentional prayer for our Muslim neighbors throughout Ramadan.
Stations of the Resurrection
You are invited to this unique service, which walks us through fourteen key events during and after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, forms part of our finale week of “Fifty Days of Resurrection Hope.”
Celebrating Easter around the Diocese
Imagine laughter and songs of praise as you take a three-minute stroll around the Diocese on Easter Sunday!
Clergy Renewal of Vows
On Tuesday, March 30, the clergy of the Diocese participated virtually in their annual Renewal of Ordination Vows service hosted by Truro Anglican Church.
Easter Services Online
As COVID-19 continues and requires many of us to remain safely at home this Easter, you are joyfully invited to participate in one of the many online services offered by the churches in the Diocese.
Holy Week Services Online
During Holy Week 2021, multiple churches around the Diocese invite you to participate via livestream services for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil.
An International Presence: A Quarantine Blessing
When the pandemic first started in March 2020, Korean Anglican (Lutherville, MD) uploaded a PowerPoint version of the service on YouTube so people could follow along with the virtual service on YouTube. Before this point, our congregation only met in person at Resurrection Anglican in Luthersville with very little online presence. Almost immediately, several fellow Anglicans in other states and in Korea began watching the sermons.
Joyful Noise Club
The Joyful Noise Club at Messiah Anglican is an awesome place where young people with and without disabilities come to have fun and learn about Jesus!
View the Pre-March for Life Morning Prayer Service
The recording of the prayer service on January 29, officiated by Bishop John A. M. Guernsey, is available online.
Pre-March for Life Morning Prayer
Thank you to the Falls Church Anglican for hosting and providing the worship and a/v support. Bishop John Guernsey led morning prayer and Bishop Julian Dobbs offered the sermon.
Prayer Service & Virtual March for Life
Please consider coming to the Falls Church Anglican on January 29 for the annual Prayer and Worship Service at 9:30 a.m., after which the March for Life will be held virtually.