Event, International Anglican Doma Event, International Anglican Doma

Invitation for Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 

One of the adventures that every Christian should experience is going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to walk in Jesus' footsteps (not to mention the Old and New Testament saints).To help maximize your experience, I would like to invite you to join Glorianne, and me, along with other friends from DOMA for a life-transforming 11 Day Faith Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

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Afghan Refugees: What You Can Do

In recent weeks, as we have read the news from Afghanistan, our hearts are troubled. As our military mission there has ended, so many Afghan refugees are arriving here – and the DC/Maryland/Virginia area is a major focus for their immediate resettlement. In short, we have a missional opportunity to show the love of Christ to these Afghan families, our new neighbors, welcoming the stranger (Matt. 25:39) and showing true hospitality to those in need. We have an unprecedented opportunity work in unity with area churches to meet these needs.

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A Call to Prayer from Archbishop Foley Beach Regarding the Situation in Afghanistan, Haiti, and the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

As the world seemingly darkens, remember that the Church is to be a light to the world, pointing to the One who is the Light of life. Let us remain united together in Christ, as citizens of heaven, opposing the powers of darkness,

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Anglicanism, International Anglican Doma Anglicanism, International Anglican Doma

Gafcon Sunday: June 27, 2021

Gafcon works to guard and proclaim the unchanging, transforming Gospel through biblically faithful preaching and teaching which frees our churches to make disciples by clear and certain witness to Jesus Christ in all the world. Visit the Gafcon website to find resources, including videos and prayer points to learn more about what Gafcon does and how you can support the global work.

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An International Presence: A Quarantine Blessing

When the pandemic first started in March 2020, Korean Anglican (Lutherville, MD) uploaded a PowerPoint version of the service on YouTube so people could follow along with the virtual service on YouTube. Before this point, our congregation only met in person at Resurrection Anglican in Luthersville with very little online presence. Almost immediately, several fellow Anglicans in other states and in Korea began watching the sermons.

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