Church Resources, Event, Healing, Sexuality Anglican Doma Church Resources, Event, Healing, Sexuality Anglican Doma

Regenerations' Path Through the Wilderness

Our deepest desire as human beings is to know and be known by God and others. What do you do when unwanted sexual behavior and unhealthy relationships prevent you from making those God ordained connections? Regeneration’s Path through the Wilderness is a program to help individuals find healing and transformation so they can experience true intimacy with God and others.

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A Call to Prayer from Archbishop Foley Beach Regarding the Situation in Afghanistan, Haiti, and the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic

As the world seemingly darkens, remember that the Church is to be a light to the world, pointing to the One who is the Light of life. Let us remain united together in Christ, as citizens of heaven, opposing the powers of darkness,

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Summer Internship Reflection

My earliest memory is of Anglican liturgy. As a five-year-old, I was captivated by the way people closed their eyes with their hands lifted as they prayed “Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts,” how they raised their voices in agreement with lectionary readings, how their heads bowed in confession, and how they knelt humbly during the Lord’s Prayer.

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Appalachian Anglican

When we started planning our topics for the Appalachian Anglican podcast, we tried to come at it with the mindset that our listeners could potentially be new to a historic and traditional church environment. We try to discuss each topic as a conversation while interjecting thoughts of how we perceive the church exists today similarly as she did in her early history.

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Discipleship: The Future of the Church

In this article from the Trinity School of Ministry’s publication “Seed and Harvest” (Spring/Summer 2021), the Church of the Resurrection in Baltimore, MD is featured as a leader in the Anglican Church for their discipleship. By understanding that spiritual growth with numerical growth happen together, prioritizing the integration of new families, and focusing on community group ministry, Resurrection has witnessed God’s blessing through COVID-19.

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Equip!2020 - Being the Church in a Digital World

Please mark your calendar for November 12 at 7 p.m. for our first Equip! session, “Surviving the Digital Shift.” The video will be posted a week in advance, so you’ll have time to view it. We look forward to trying this new format with you and hope that it will scratch the itch for us as we discern how best to "Be the Church in the Digital World."

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Youth, Event, Church Resources, Children Anglican Doma Youth, Event, Church Resources, Children Anglican Doma

Upcoming Workshops for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention & Train the Trainers

The half-day “Protection of Children” workshop satisfies the diocesan training requirements for clergy, vestry members, staff and volunteers who work with youth or children. To become a diocesan-approved Child Protection Trainer, the person must be endorsed by his/her rector and register to attend the upcoming Train the Trainer Workshop.

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Church Resources, Life, Sexuality, Youth Anglican Doma Church Resources, Life, Sexuality, Youth Anglican Doma

Abundant Life: You Were Made for More, A Curriculum for Youth

Abundant Life uses biblically-based teaching to engage teenagers, partner with parents, and equip youth leaders to navigate relational and culturally-relevant topics. I believe that educating teenagers about who they are in Christ, the purpose of relationships, the value of life—their own and others–and how the Gospel interacts with all of this is essential in the Kingdom of God. Why? If we don’t give them something to live for, someone else will.

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ACNA, Anglicanism, Church Resources, History, Race Anglican Doma ACNA, Anglicanism, Church Resources, History, Race Anglican Doma

Hope Arising: A Book Review

America, a religious nation, has had throughout our history a type of intellectual leader that has been termed the public theologian. Henry Ward Beecher, the Niebuhrs, Billy Graham, and Fr. Richard Neuhaus are among the most prominent examples. Now, Wheaton professor Esau McCauley is using his broad pulpit to call American Christians back to their religious ideals, the lived experiences of the Black church, and a full recognition of the Black church in our history.

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