Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, Healing Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, Healing Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (August 2023A)

Jesus (and later Paul) exploded all the stereotypes we tend to have about God. God is not an angry tyrant. God is not a cosmic cop. God is not a merciless accountant. He is not a universal killjoy. He is not an impersonal force. God is a personal God. He wants to have a relationship with us, and he created you with the ability to have a relationship with him.

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Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, ACNA, Healing Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Anglicanism, ACNA, Healing Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (June 2023B)

It’s clear to me that the COB is not a perfect institution. How could it be? It’s populated by people including me. But in my observation, it is a prayerful, godly, wise, biblically-committed, and canonically-oriented group. It is both apostolic and catholic in its orientation and I look forward to working within the College in the years to come.

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Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (March 2023B)

I’m currently reading Beth Moore’s newly released memoir. I picked it up after reading an article in Christianity Today entitled, “When I was a Stranger in the SBC, Anglicans took me in.” Moore’s book is full of humor and brokenness and heartache and wisdom. The quote above is just one of many wonderful turns of phrase she employs throughout this engaging read.  

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Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Lent Anglican Doma

A Letter from Bishop Chris (March 2023A)

In Sabbath, we remember and celebrate the Lord and what God alone can do. We remember God’s deliverance of His people from slavery and bondage. Only He can set us free from sin, addiction, and brokenness. We celebrate Jesus’s triumph over death through his cross and resurrection. Ultimately only God can give us fullness of life.

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Bishop's Letter, Life Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Life Anglican Doma

A Message from the Bishop - January 2023B

I don’t know about you, but when I’ve been insufferable and God is just about to move me to repentance, I don’t look like I’m about to repent. I look—and am—just as angry or obnoxious as ever. But then, God in his mercy breaks through and, in a moment, moves me to turn back toward him and toward the one I’ve hurt.

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Bishop's Letter, Evangelism Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, Evangelism Anglican Doma

A Message from the Bishop - November 2022A

How easy it is to look at our circumstances and think we’re not on mission. Perhaps we think that because of our situation we can’t go, so we’re off the hook! Or maybe we think wistfully that as much as we might wish we could engage in mission, we’re just not able to in the way those who are younger or fitter are called to go to certain places or in particular ways.

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A Message from the Bishop - September 2022A

As we draw near to the election of our next bishop, there is quite naturally both excitement and uncertainty in our life together as a diocese. We know that Jesus is on the throne, he is the head of the Church, and he has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church (Matthew 16:18).

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