Children, Evangelism Anglican Doma Children, Evangelism Anglican Doma

Story Time in the Park

All Saints’ church hosts “Story Time in the Park” on Thursdays at a local park. Each Story Time includes a thoughtful and seasonal story, snack, and related craft- perfect for all young children! What started as a way to gather safely when social distancing and masks were still necessary has become a beloved event by members of All Saints’ and the community.

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Prayer, Worship, Healing Anglican Doma Prayer, Worship, Healing Anglican Doma

Training our Hunger

Hunger and thirst are a common metaphor in the Bible. For instance, turn to Psalm 42:12, “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Are you in touch with what your soul really wants? Do you have words for yearning in your soul?

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