Prayer, Healing Anglican Doma Prayer, Healing Anglican Doma

Coracle Fellowship Spiritual Formation Program

The Coracle Fellowship Spiritual Formation Program has existed for five years to help Christians come alive in their relationships with God–to experience a richer and fuller encounter with the love of Jesus and be fueled by that encounter towards loving, healing contact with the world.

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Event, Healing, Worship, Art Anglican Doma Event, Healing, Worship, Art Anglican Doma

YOU are God’s Work of Art!

We all need healing in some areas of our lives!:For some, it's physical; for others, a broken marriage or family relationships, addictions, recovery from emotional, physical, sexual abuse, generational sins, struggles related to sexuality, intimacy, identity, or other life issues. Come and see how biblical worship prepares the way for experiencing God's healing and wholeness in our lives!

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ACNA, Healing, Race Anglican Doma ACNA, Healing, Race Anglican Doma

Province Forms Working Group on Race, Racism, and Racial Reconciliation

In light of the tensions in our society regarding race relations, in his address to the Provincial Council, Archbishop Beach called for a Working Group on Race, Racism, and Racial Reconciliation. This group is comprised of leaders from across the Anglican Church in North America representing a diverse range of races, ethnicities, ages, orders, and both genders.

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Healing, Event Anglican Doma Healing, Event Anglican Doma

Spiritual Formation Journey

Have you felt a deep desire to cultivate a deeper intimacy with and love for God this season, as outbreaks and civil unrest rock our country? Do you want to come to a richer understanding of how the beautiful tradition of our faith can speak and bring healing to the brokenness we see all around us?

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Anglicanism, Healing, History, Race Anglican Doma Anglicanism, Healing, History, Race Anglican Doma

The Witness of the Church in a Time of National Crisis

Albert Thompson spoke on the “Witness of the Church in a Time of National Crisis.” Albert is a historian, writing his doctoral dissertation on the influence of the New Deal and WWII on Jim Crow and race in America. His presentation on race and America is a clear, sobering, thoughtful and ultimately, hopeful consideration of this important subject.

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Bishop's Letter, COVID-19, Healing, Technology Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, COVID-19, Healing, Technology Anglican Doma

Letter from the Bishop: "Let us not neglect meeting together..."

Like many experiences of great stress in our lives, this coronavirus season will make us better Christians or worse ones, but it won’t leave us unaffected. We will either trust the Lord more or we will give fear a greater hold on our hearts. We will either press in to Jesus or we will drift further away. We will come to realize how much we need in-person Christian community or we will conclude we do just fine by tuning in occasionally online.  

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Healing, Prayer, Event Anglican Doma Healing, Prayer, Event Anglican Doma

Seeking God/Finding Self

As God’s creation, we long to be loved and known by our Creator and those he’s given us to do life with. Because we live in a fractured world, this isn’t always easy. Oftentimes, we find ourselves going through life with broken hearts and broken images – of ourselves and God

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