Seeking God/Finding Self

March 8-9, 2020 at The Falls Church


As God’s creation, we long to be loved and known by our Creator and those he’s given us to do life with. Because we live in a fractured world, this isn’t always easy. Oftentimes, we find ourselves going through life with broken hearts and broken images – of ourselves and God. This Spring, during the season of renewal and fresh beginnings, we are excited to bring you our latest Healing Prayer Conference. This conference will focus on the subject of identity and how to live who we were made to be.

Our speaker, Judith MacNutt, will give talks along the lines of: God Loves You and Knows You; Truth vs. Lies – Ourselves; Truth vs. Lies – God; Holy Spirit Transformation; and Holy Spirit – Truth and Renewal. The conference will conclude with extended ministry time, an opportunity to be blessed by Judith, and time to receive prayer from TFCA/CHI prayer ministers.

Early Bird Pricing is now available at only $100. Price goes up March 20, so register now to save $50 on registration.

For those attending the conference, there will be a special Pre-Conference Event, Brunch with Judith, and an afternoon of Abiding Prayer. The brunch portion of the weekend has limited seating and a link for that registration will be emailed once you’ve registered for the conference. Tickets are $50.

ABOUT OUR SPEAKER: Our presenter, Judith MacNutt, is an internationally-known speaker and healing prayer minister who with her husband, the late Francis MacNutt, founded Christian Healing Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida. Judith is a wonderful storyteller and communicator with a wealth of experience, who loves the Lord and desires to see people healed. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the true nature and fullness of God and discover how to live out of your true identity.

PLEASE NOTE: We have a limited number of scholarships available. Please contact us for information.
Register HERE.

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