Resto-Redeemer Staff Retreat

by David Hanke

The staff from Redeemer in Richmond, VA and Restoration in Arlington, VA met together at Restoration for a day of intentional, inter-squad staff development. It was wonderful.

Dan Marotta and David set it up so that each person on the team had a counterpart on the other team. They spent a couple of hours introducing themselves and sharing a particular question/pain point in ministry. It was a great way to get to know the other team and to embrace, for each other, the burdens that feel top of mind these days.

Then they divided into their ‘counterpart groups’. So the rectors, music people, senior directors, youth, children’s, and small group people all met together in pairs or small groups and got a chance to dig into their specific ministry questions. Those were fun conversations that happened over walks, on park benches, and on stairs around Restoration.

They gathered back together for lunch in yet a different set of groupings: they divided into staff who supervise staff and staff who recruit and develop volunteers. Recognizing that there is overlap in that differentiation, it was enormously helpful to talk about the unique challenges of developing paid staff and developing strategic volunteers with others who are trying to do the same. All in all they had a fabulous day together and built deep connections over the four hours that seemed to fly by. Thanks be to God.

The Rev. David Hanke is the Rector of Restoration Anglican Church in Arlington, VA.
The Rev. Dan Marotta is the Rector of
Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, VA.


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