ResCamp 2023

by Claire Trainor

What a powerful, spirit-filled week ResCamp2023 has been (Church of the Resurrection, Lutherville, MD)! Each day, over 400 people including 215 Campers and Jr. Crew Leaders swarmed the church to create a crazy and beautiful summer camp called, Twists and Turns: Following Jesus Changes the Game. Through games, activities, skits, and all sorts of fun, the message of God's faithfulness and love for us was on full display.

Every day this week, we saw God answer prayers! Crew Leaders formed relationships with families, Jr. Crew Leaders modeled for Campers what it looks like to serve others, and the truths of the Gospel were soaked into every moment. This year, we learned that no matter the twists and turns life presents, God is with us, and we can depend on Him through it all.

God's work was done through the hands of every talented, joyful, and faithful volunteer. There are no lesser roles at ResCamp, and God used the humble servants helping to maintain safety, those filling the coffee urn for other volunteers, those vacuuming the floor at the end of the day, and those sitting on the sidelines with a troubled youngster, just as mightily as the more visible volunteers. Thank you to each one who put in the work, both in the days and weeks before camp, the days of camp itself, and the hours of cleanup at the end of the week. Wherever you helped, you were an integral part of the ripple effect of spreading God's love to His ever-expanding Kingdom here on earth.

Well done Res Community and all Glory to God!
- The ResStaff


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