Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Removing Barriers, Creating Communities of Belonging

Access Leadership Initiative (AcLN) seeks to discover, develop, and deploy leaders working to build communities of belonging for those with and without disabilities in parishes across the ACNA. Read the latest from the network below and consider participating in the next Zoom event to learn about resources available to your ministry. Heidi Reichert (Communications Coordinator for the Diocese) is an active participant in AcLN. Please feel free to contact her with questions via email.

June 2023


I hope you had a joyous Pentecost! I look forward to Celebrating Trinity Sunday and the coming season of growth. It is exciting as more people are learning about AcLN and joining the Network to share their experiences and resources. Praise the Lord!

AcLN has found the research of Dr. Erik Carter helpful. You can find links to his articles about the Ten Dimensions of Belonging on our webpage.

Dr. Carter recently presented some of his new research findings at a conference. He notes four encouraging trends, four areas needing movement, and how the Church might move forward faster and more faithfully. The research revealed the postures and practices of churches who are marked by inclusion and belonging, and he challenges churches to lead the way in our local communities. You can watch his presentation here.

Carter's video may be helpful to share with other friends and leaders in your church to begin developing a ministry team. Jesus sent the apostles out in pairs. Working together helps build a sustainable ministry. We are better together!

Following our inaugural Virtual Gathering in April, two women on the autism spectrum connected with a youth leader struggling to integrate some teenagers on the spectrum into her youth group. They set up a virtual meeting to share helpful strategies. Three dioceses networking to build God’s Kingdom. Praise the Lord! 

The next Access Leadership Network (AcLN) Virtual Gathering is June 26 at 8:30 pm (Eastern). We will consider how dependence on the Lord is so important to guide us in our ministry. Hopefully it will be a time of learning and refreshment as we share our experiences and pray for one another.

Join the AcLN Virtual Gathering
June 26 @ 8:30 pm (Eastern)
Meeting ID: 834 8638 6019
Passcode: 990698

If you would like to join the text based AcLN group on the Slack platform to network with others and share resources, send an email to Access@nextgenanglican.com to request an invitational link.

God's peace,
Kathy Ayres
 Director, Access Leadership Network
For more information email.