Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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Anglicans for Life Prayer Calendar

You are encouraged to join the many who pray for the Anglicans for Life ministry. Multiple times a year, Deacon Georgette Forney sends out a letter with prayer needs along with a prayer calendar. See the most recent letter and calendar here and request to be added on the mailing list here.

Dear Anglicans For Life Prayer Team Members,

As I look back on my June letter, I am in awe of how much has changed in the last three months! 

First off – can you believe Roe is no more!?!? We were in the middle of closing on our house and buying the new one, when my phone lit up with text messages and emails! It was a surreal day that I will never forget. While I praised God that the Supreme Court Justices held to their decision, I also gave thanks for our great staff that stepped up to get our response out while I was directing movers! At the end of what was an incredibly awesome, overwhelming, emotional day – my husband Jim commented on how calm I had been through it all – I wept then, as I knew I was being held up in prayer by you all. God answered your prayers! Thank you. 

Since that day, everything here at the office has moved into a higher gear of activity! Women are registering to be silent no more, women are calling seeking referrals to abortion healing programs, churches are calling for advice on how to help pregnant women, people are inquiring about starting Chapters, becoming Life Leaders, and churches are signing-up to become a designated Life-Affirming Church! My prayer is that all the people that have inquired with AFL, will be moved into action for life. Ministry, education, and advocacy for life is needed now more than ever. 

We also have a number of organizations and other ministries seeking to build collaborative outreach opportunities, and we are in talks with people in Ireland and England about starting Anglicans For Life initiatives in their countries! 

And, we are planning another Life SUMMIT series of events for January 2023! (January 19-21) Please pray we can get the right speakers booked, and that I can develop a schedule that is beneficial to the people who attend both in-person and virtually. 

Kristen’s health issues continue, but she is seeing some specialists over the next few weeks that we are praying will help her unlock the sources of her ailments and provide helpful treatment. 

We were also blessed to recently host our newest pro-life advocate, Rebecca Joy with her mom Robin, (my previous assistant). I spoke of her early arrival in my last letter! As I held her, I wept with joy for the Lord’s gracious love and hope that is poured out on us with every new life He creates. 

Finally, ballot initiatives in California, Vermont, Michigan, Kentucky, and Montana will be voted on in November. Please pray that people will pay attention to what each initiative will do to prevent or protect abortion in each state. CA and MI will legalize abortion all 9 months of pregnancy. 

We live in wild times, so we must be grateful that we know the Lord is in charge, and His will – will be done.

Blessings for life,

Deacon Georgette Forney
President, Anglicans For Life
Co-Founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign