Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic

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A Letter from Bishop Chris (June 2024B)

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

On June 20 (this Thursday), I will travel to Latrobe, PA, for the election of a new Archbishop of the ACNA during the Conclave of the College of Bishops. Please pray for the College of Bishops as we seek to discern whom, from the 30 Diocesan Bishops, the Lord has prepared and anointed to be Archbishop for this next season of the Church’s life. Please also pray for the many lay and clergy members of our diocese and members of the ACNA who will gather for the Provincial Council and Provincial Assembly the following week.

While much of a Conclave of the College of Bishops is confidential, the process generally operates as follows:

Summary of Archbishop Election & Schedule

  • June 20 // Bishops arrive for Conclave in Latrobe, PA. Bishops will begin with dinner on Thursday evening, June 20, and will continue meeting in Conclave on the 21 and 22 (days and evenings) taking breaks for meals and sleep until there is an election. Sunday, June 23, is reserved, if needed. 

    • As per the Constitution and Canons of the ACNA, the Archbishop will be elected by the College of Bishops from the active members of the College with jurisdiction to serve a five-year term.

    • An Archbishop who has served one term of office may be elected for a second term but not a third.

    • The election of the Archbishop shall take place in a consecrated Church. 

    • The Holy Communion shall be celebrated as a part of the election process. 

    • No persons shall be admitted to the electing meeting except members of The College and appropriate security and confidentiality shall be observed throughout the process.

    • Discussion and prayer precede the voting process. 

    • Those who vote are the diocesan bishops (including the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces).

    • The initial ballot of the Bishops shall serve as a nominating ballot. Only Bishops with Jurisdiction are eligible for nomination. 

    • Once there is a list of nominees, discussion, prayer, and voting continue until the next Archbishop is elected. 

    • ⅔ vote is required for the election of the new Archbishop.

    • Upon the election of the Archbishop, the Bishops in attendance shall sign a written certification which shall be a permanent record of the College. 

  • June 23 // Announcement and introduction of the new Archbishop.

  • June 24-28 // The new Archbishop shadows Archbishop Beach throughout the week.

  • June 28 // The new Archbishop preaches at the Closing Eucharist and receives the Provincial Cross and transfer of spiritual authority to take up his office.

  • Oct., Nov., Dec. 2024 // Investiture (or) Installation Service at the discretion of the new Archbishop.

Again, thank you for your prayers at this crucial time in the life of our Province. And thank you also for being part of the best diocese in the ACNA (though I freely admit, I am totally biased)!



p.s. Learn more about the Bishop’s Conclave, including its history, here.