Leaders are Made, Not Born


The Rev. Dr. Tom Herrick, Canon for Church Planting for the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic and Founder and former Executive Director for the Titus Institute for Church Planting. Tom leads the Great Commission Committee of our diocese, as well as training church planters, coaching pastors and planters, performing assessments for prospective planters, and aids in developing strategic plans for local congregations in the diocese. In addition, he teaches church planting for Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and serves on the Always Forward team to stimulate church planting throughout the Anglican Church in North America.

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Strategies for Cultivating New Leaders


The Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley, Assistant Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, and Director of the ACNA’s Next Generation Leadership Initiative. He is working on a book tentatively titled, The New Testament and the Hopes of Black Folk for IVP Academic on the relevance of New Testament texts to the present hopes and concerns of Black Christians in America. He’s also editing a book for InterVarsity Press titled, The New Testament in Color, which he describes as a “multi-ethnic commentary on the New Testament.” 

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