Synod 2016, Anglican Anglican Doma Synod 2016, Anglican Anglican Doma

Synod 2016 - Our Fundamental Anglican Beliefs

The Constitution of our Diocese calls for each member of Synod to affirm (and regularly reaffirm) the core theological affirmations of the Anglican Church in North America (called the “Fundamental Declarations” of the Province), as well as the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) Statement and the Jerusalem Declaration of 2008. This session will explore those key statements and what they mean for us personally and for our movement. Gregory Strong, a member of The Falls Church Anglican (TFCA), has a Ph.D. in theological and religious studies (Drew University), and an M.Div. (Trinity School for Ministry). He teaches Anglican Studies through Reformed Theological Seminary and theological education for lay people in a collaboration between TFCA and the Ridley Institute, St. Andrew’s Church, South Carolina.

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