Synod 2015 - Religious Freedom Concerns in Light of the Supreme Court Ruling

This Synod 2015 breakout session outlines the primary legal challenges that churches, clergy, and lay members will face in the post-Obergefell culture and will provide legal and practical recommendations and resources to help churches protect their legal rights and their ministries in this rapidly changing cultural and legal environment. Scott Ward is Chancellor of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, as well as Chancellor of The Falls Church Anglican, CANA and the Anglican Church in North America. He is an attorney and managing owner of Gammon & Grange and has extensive experience in religious freedom issues, having consulted on numerous amicus briefs and on proposed federal legislation.

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Synod 2015 -Challenges to Religious Liberty: Practical Tips to Articulate Your Church’s Religious Identity and to Strengthen Your Legal Rights 

This breakout session will outline the primary legal challenges that churches, clergy, and lay members will face in the post-Obergefell culture and will provide legal and practical recommendations and resources to help churches protect their legal rights and their ministries in this rapidly changing cultural and legal environment. There will be significant time for questions and answers concerning the specific steps which our churches may need to take.  

Scott Ward is Chancellor of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, as well as Chancellor of The Falls Church Anglican, CANA and the Anglican Church in North America. He is an attorney and managing owner of Gammon & Grange and has extensive experience in religious freedom issues, having consulted on numerous amicus briefs and on proposed federal legislation.  

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