Bishop's Letter, COVID-19, Prayer Anglican Doma Bishop's Letter, COVID-19, Prayer Anglican Doma

Letter from the Bishop: "The Ascension of Jesus"

Like many experiences of great stress in our lives, this coronavirus season will make us better Christians or worse ones, but it won’t leave us unaffected. We will either trust the Lord more or we will give fear a greater hold on our hearts. We will either press in to Jesus or we will drift further away. We will come to realize how much we need in-person Christian community or we will conclude we do just fine by tuning in occasionally online.  

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Church Planting, Event, Worship Anglican Doma Church Planting, Event, Worship Anglican Doma

What Do You See?

The Lord is at work in our midst, as His people. Jesus is still standing among the lampstands, holding the stars in His right hand, speaking that two-edged sword. If you think about this western DOMA outpost, pray for us. Thank the Lord for the “now,” and ask Him to keep moving us into His “not yet.” Ask Him to open our eyes to see as He does. We will pray the same for you.

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COVID-19, Children, Youth Anglican Doma COVID-19, Children, Youth Anglican Doma

Camp at Home - Free E-Book by Susan Yates

It can be hard just to get up in the morning, to face another day of feeling overwhelmed, unproductive and out of sorts. How will I get through unplanned homeschool lessons I don’t understand, keep toddlers entertained inside, handle the emotional swings of a teenager, and be nice to my husband? When will I get some alone time? Ever?

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Prayer, Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Event, COVID-19 Anglican Doma Prayer, Holy Spirit, Pentecost, Event, COVID-19 Anglican Doma

Preparing for Pentecost – An Introduction to the Holy Spirit

In preparation for Pentecost we are pleased to offer an introductory teaching time on what the scriptures say about the Holy Spirit - who he is, what is he like, what he does, and why you should have more of him in your life. We will go through a couple of teaching blocks with space for questions and discussion, and will end with prayer.

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