The Other Everything

A New Podcast
by David Petty

We live for heaven. We dream about it. We tell others about it. We wait for it. We cannot wait to get there.

Christ has died.
Christ is risen.
Christ will come again.                                              
(BCP, 2019)                               

Others we have known and loved, have gone before us. We can't wait to see them... most especially, Jesus whom, surprisingly, we have never seen.

In this world we live in, it really feels like a "shadow valley" sometimes. And for some of us, it feels that way every day. So that's why I'm writing to you.

Are you thinking about a friend, a neighbor, a brother, or sister? Are you, like me, wanting them to have the hope of heaven? We want the people we know and love, and the people we are yet to meet, to find that life is more than what they think. There is an empty grave. There is a risen Savior. There is the true reality of a brilliantly rich forever life. Jesus offers it. Jesus is it. 

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" 
 John 14:6 ESV

The thing is that it isn't about heaven then, but in fact, it is about the kingdom of heaven that has come so ever presently near, right now, in Jesus. We are presently, and yes mysteriously, co-seated with Christ in heaven. The mind of Christ that is now ours, tells us that our identity as his new creation is made of the stuff of heaven. Where he is, is where we are.

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 
For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."

Colossians 3:2,3 ESV

 To be Christ-minded is to see life from heaven's point of view. That's what the podcast "The Other Everything" does. Everything we see, taste, touch, hear and smell is not all there is! Not by a long shot.

Often undervalued, living with a heaven-minded point of view is the key ingredient for living a life that really matters. We want to help our listeners with that. The aim of “The Other Everything” podcast is designed to creatively encourage this through words (narrative, dialogue, poetry) and sounds (music and sound effects with a somewhat cinematic flair).

 Please come by and settle in. And oh yes, please invite your friends.

“And if heaven is interested in Earth, who am I to ignore its interest?”  
Dave Petty

Here are some of our episodes:

•Managing Expectations

If my expectations are limited by what I cannot presently see, or at times refuse to see, then it may be a time for those expectations to be stretched. My expectations, at their very best, should match what is and what is to be. And if my vision of what is, is self-limited, one wonders whether there might be a place for my self-limitation to be stretched.

•Isolation and Solitude

How profoundly ironic! If you want to stay in the fray with meaningful influence. Then you've got to get away so you can get back.

•People Who Get Us in Trouble

One of my favorite lines in a lyric is: 

"Pay attention to the poet. You need him and you know it."

The poet often sees things and says things different from others. And while one might say she gets us into trouble, they can in fact get us out of trouble. I think I like this lyric line because I often have seen that I am ignored or dismissed or side-lined. I have had to learn that, as a poet, my voice is really, really important... regardless of whether anyone hears me, much less understood me.

Other titles are...

•It's All About Relationship

•Senses and Sensibility

•Dead See

and many more to come!

The podcast can be found on Amazon Prime and Spotify, Google, and soon to Apple. The Other Everything project can be found at Dave Petty’s music can be found on SpotifyApple Music and Bandcamp. Dave is an author, poet, musician, producer, speaker, and priest. He presently directs a Christian arts and advocacy ministry at the University of Virginia called “EUNOIA” (meaning: “beautiful thinking”).


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