Success using an online platform for a small group class

Success using an online platform for a small group class

By Mary Hays

Forming is a video-based class about cultivating our relationship with God. Our class is composed of eight people who meet in a home – two or three people on a couch, others in chairs pulled closely together in a circle. Between video segments, we do individual reflection and prayer exercises before sharing our experiences with one another. We had been meeting for only two weeks, when the spread of the coronavirus called us to isolate.

What should we do – cancel or try to meet using an online platform?

Most of us were skeptical that an online format would work. Maybe for a business meeting or for a lecture class, but for a mixed-format class like this? When intimacy with God and with one another was such an important part of what we were learning? But we all agreed to try it – even though we were skeptical. And I’m so glad we did!

Using a Zoom meeting allowed us to show the video, to discuss our responses, and even to do our individual work. After we completed the class work, we debriefed. All of us were surprised with how well it worked. We had not expected God to be able to meet us through the airwaves. A couple of things we learned:  

  • The group leader sent around a diagram of our group in an imaginary circle for our discussions. We took turns answering, using the diagram. (Anyone could pass when it came to their turn; they’d be given a second turn at the end.) That helped to keep our “speech overlap” to a minimum (a common frustration of virtual meetings).

  • We learned to mute ourselves during silent reflection times – and anytime there was background noise in our homes 

  • We also decided to “video off” ourselves during silent reflection times. It was just too distracting to see each other – even though it never seemed that way when we were in person.  

The Rev. Mary Maggard Hays is Canon for Congregation and Clergy Care for the Diocese.


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