Opossum Blessing
Opossum Blessing
by Melanie Walk
Andy Dalstra, who is a part of our church family at Church of the Redeemer in Camden, NC has always loved all of God's creatures, especially those who need rescue or special care. She is becoming certified to be an NC Wildlife Rehabilitator, specializing in opossums. She has built a barn and habitat on her property specifically designed to care for hurt or sick opossums. We have regular home blessings each year and Andy reached out to Father Chris about having a Possum Barn Blessing. It was a sweet time of blessing, celebration, fellowship, and fun. Father Chris used liturgy from home and animal blessings to create a time of worship for this specific event.
People from our church family, other friends and family of Andy, and curious folks who were invited by friends made up a crowd of about 35 at the event. We sang, shared communion, and participated as Father Chris blessed the barn and the possum representative, MelMel. Andy's husband, Jon and others provided delicious food for dinner. We finished the evening off with s'mores by the fire. It was a beautiful day to lift our voices with all creatures of our God and King!
Enjoy photos below.
Melanie Walk is the Parish Administrator at Church of the Redeemer, Camden, NC.