Incarnation Celebrates Candlemas & World Mission Sunday

by Russell Vick

This past Sunday, Incarnation Anglican Church (Arlington, VA) celebrated Candlemas and World Mission Sunday. Candlemas is the liturgical feast which recalls the presentation of Jesus in the temple as it is recorded in Luke 2:22 - 40. In this passage, Simeon and Anna joyfully recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah who is to be the source of blessing and salvation to both Jews and Gentiles. Traditionally, the Candlemas service has a "blessing of the candles" in which the priest blesses candles as a reminder that Jesus is the light of the world who also brings light into our own lives. It is fitting that our province has chosen "World Mission Sunday" to be so close in proximity to Candlemas. Both Candlemas and World Mission Sunday remind us that the Gospel story is a story for all people.

Our service began with children processing candles to the front of the altar for our Rector Amy to bless. Throughout the service, we joyously sang in multiple languages (10 in all) to honor the global nature of the Gospel story. We heard the testimony of our outreach partner who is serving local Afghan refugees through ESL classes and trauma recovery. Finally, we gloriously feasted on a potluck filled with a variety of delicious international cuisine. 

It was a gift to celebrate this day with my local parish, and I pray that the church would continue to point to Jesus who is the Light of the World.

O God, you made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near: Grant that people everywhere may seek after you and find you; bring the nations into your fold; pour out your Spirit upon all flesh; and hasten the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Russell Vick is Curate at Incarnation Anglican, Arlington, VA.

Enjoy photos below:

  • Liturgy in multiple languages

  • Singers leading "Father, I Adore You" in a musical round in Spanish, German, Mandarin, Brazilian Portuguese, and English

  • Rev. Amy praying for Vera, our outreach partner ministering to Afghan refugees


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