March Frederick Anglican Fellowship Update

The group at Frederick Anglican Fellowship in Frederick, MD continues to be encouraged about how the Lord is working at our church plant in Frederick, Maryland. A steady group of folks has a growing investment in this church plant through their time, involvement, fellowship, and financial support.

Our first service of Holy Communion will be on Palm Sunday, April 2, led by visiting priest, Father Charles Glantzberg. We’ll participate in the full Palm Sunday liturgy, including a reading of Saint Matthew’s Passion narrative, with multiple readers from the congregation. We are praying for mild weather so we can meet outdoors that day.

In preparation for Palm Sunday, we’ll have a two-session introduction to Holy Communion in the Anglican tradition on March 22 and March 29, led by Dr. Gregory Strong (a member of our core team). This will be helpful especially for those who are new to Anglican worship or who have questions about what Anglicans believe about the Holy Eucharist.

Please continue to PRAY with us that the Lord will . . .

  • use these events to build up the Body of Christ in Frederick,

  • send us a priest to lead this church plant, and

  • guide us to find a good place to meet as we grow.


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