Epiphany sends delegation to Uganda

Epiphany sends delegation to Uganda

A group of sixteen, led by Church of the Epiphany (Chantilly, VA) member and Uganda Christian University Partners board member Lisa Baehr, traveled to Uganda Christian University for their Fall Graduation Ceremony October 18-30.  While in Uganda, the group visited Uganda Christian University (UCU), met with Anglican Church leaders, and toured the country’s natural and cultural treasures. Epiphany has a 20-year partnership with UCU and has participated in a small way in the growth of this Anglican university into a major educational institution in Africa with more than 14,000 students on multiple campuses throughout Uganda.

Some of the Rev. Peter Frank’s photos are below, but many more are available here and here and here. ENJOY!


A Letter from Bishop Chris (November 2024B)


Christ the Redeemer Fall Fest & College Outreach