Christ the King Sends Team to Kenya
by Hayden Sealander
In February, Christ the King Church, Alexandria, VA, sent Hayden Sealander and David Glade along with his two daughters to Kenya to visit a local pastor that they support. David and Hayden traveled to the north region of Kenya called the Chalbi Desert, met up with other Kenyan pastors, and visited nomadic villages in the area. Many of these people had never heard the name of Jesus or had only heard of Him one or two other times. When visiting these villages, David and Hayden, along with the other pastors, would preach the Gospel, sing a few songs, and of course share a cup of chai tea with the people (a Kenyan staple). The people were always very receptive to the good news and incredibly welcoming to all of the visitors. This was incredibly encouraging to the team from Christ the King. There are many “unreached” people in the world just waiting to hear the Gospel presented to them!
Hayden Sealander is the Director of Youth Ministry at Christ the King Anglican Church in Alexandria, VA.